Kids News - Science Articles

MIT Engineers Create A Lightweight Material That Is Stronger Than Steel

A new material created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers is being hailed as revolutionary. 2DPA-1 is as light as plastic and two times stronger than steel. Unlike currently available polymers, it can conduct electricity and block gas. The scientists believe 2DPA-1 can help lower our carbon footprint and perhaps even reduce the rampant use of disposable plastics....

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MIT Engineers Create A Lightweight Material That Is Stronger Than Steel

How Pi Day Became America's Biggest Math Holiday

A holiday associated with a math constant may not seem very exciting. But Pi ("π") Day, observed annually in the US on March 14 (3/14), is an exception. That's because the celebrations may start with math activities centered around pi — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, widely recognized as 3.14. But they inevitably end with a slice or two of delicious pie!...

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How Pi Day Became America's Biggest Math Holiday

Mini Boat Launched By New Hampshire Students Turns Up 8,000 Miles Away In Norway

When a group of Rye Junior High School students in New Hampshire set sail a roughly five-foot-long boat into the Atlantic in October 2020, they were not sure what to expect. While some were optimistic it would wash ashore in Europe, many believed the tiny vessel, called Rye Riptides, would get destroyed along the way. On February 1, 2022, the skeptics were proved wrong when the partially dismantled boat washed ashore 8,300 miles away on a small island near Dyrnes, Norway....

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Mini Boat Launched By New Hampshire Students Turns Up 8,000 Miles Away In Norway

Colorful LEGO Bricks Have Been Washing Ashore English Beaches For 25 Years

February 13, 2022, marked the 25th anniversary of the Great LEGO Spill — the worst toy-related environmental disaster of all time. On this fateful day in 1997, the Tokio Express was battered by a massive, 28-foot rogue wave off the United Kingdom's southwestern coast. The force tilted the cargo ship — en route from Rotterdam to New York — by 60 degrees, causing it to drop 62 containers into the sea. One was filled with about 5 million colorful LEGO bricks!...

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Colorful LEGO Bricks Have Been Washing Ashore English Beaches For 25 Years

World's Largest Colony Of Nesting Fish Found Beneath Antarctic Ice

The Weddell Sea, an extension of the Southern Ocean off the coast of Antarctica, is known for its abundant wildlife. The 1,242-mile (2,000-km) bay's nutrient-rich waters are home to large populations of seals, penguins, and baleen whales. Now, researchers have uncovered a trove of 60 million icefish nests sprawled across 93 square miles (240 square kilometers) of the seafloor. The nurseries — each guarded by a ghoulish-looking adult — constitute the fish's largest-known breeding colony....

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World's Largest Colony Of Nesting Fish Found Beneath Antarctic Ice

Rare Juvenile "Ghost Shark" Found Off New Zealand Coast

Chimaeras, or ghost sharks, have been around for millions of years. However, the elusive fish, which live at depths of up to 6,000 feet, are largely unknown to science. The lack of crucial information — like how long they live or how often they reproduce — makes it challenging to monitor and protect the 52 known ghost shark species. Now, a rare newborn chimaera, discovered off the coast of New Zealand, may help scientists better understand the mysterious deep-water creatures....

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Rare Juvenile "Ghost Shark" Found Off New Zealand Coast

These Biofluorescent Mammals Emit A Vivid Pink And Red Glow

Biofluorescence refers to an organism's ability to absorb ultraviolet light (UV) and emit it as a colorful glow. The skill has been documented in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and even microscopic tardigrades. However, glow-in-the-dark mammals are still new to science. They currently include just a handful of nocturnal animals such as flying squirrels, opossums, and platypuses. The latest to hop on to this elite list is a jumping rodent called the springhare....

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These Biofluorescent Mammals Emit A Vivid Pink And Red Glow

These Amazing Ants Are Experts At Tree Repair!

Ants are known to undergo extreme measures to save their own. Past studies have shown the industrious insects carrying wounded comrades back to the nest to heal and even exploding and sacrificing themselves to save their colonies from predators. Now, a team of young researchers in Panama has found an empathetic ant species that rapidly repair any damage to its host tree....

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These Amazing Ants Are Experts At Tree Repair!

"The Phantom Queen" Wins Top Honors At 2021 Optical Illusion Competition

The annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest encourages scientists and artists to showcase their ingenuity by creating clever optical illusions. Now celebrating its seventeenth year, the fun contest is the brainchild of the Neural Correlate Society, a nonprofit that promotes scientific research on how the brain functions. Here are 2021's top three winners, selected by fans from the ten finalists in an online vote on December 15, 2021....

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"The Phantom Queen" Wins Top Honors At 2021 Optical Illusion Competition