Kids News - Videos

Video Of The Week - Watch A (Robotic) Surgeon Stitch Back A Grape Skin

Human-controlled robot "surgeons" have been assisting doctors in operating rooms since 2000. However, the Single Site "wristed needle driver" that was created by Intuitive Surgical takes robotic precision to a whole new level. That's because its flexible "wrist" allows the instrument tip to move up to 45 degrees in all directions, enabling doctors to operate on organs like the uterus, without making large incisions that result in unsightly scars....

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Video Of The Week - Watch A (Robotic) Surgeon Stitch Back A Grape Skin

Video Of The Week - 'Jetmen' Rossy And Reffet Soar Over Dubai Skies In First Ever Twin Human Formation

In the last 15 years, Yves Rossy has used his amazing jetpack wings to soar over the Grand Canyon, fly alongside an F-17 bomber and even circle Japan's Mt. Fuji. However, his latest flight in Dubai surpasses them all. That's because this time the adventurer joined forces with his protégé, 31-year-old skydiver and base jumper Vince Reffet, to do what no human has accomplished before - fly in formation!...

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Video Of The Week - 'Jetmen' Rossy And Reffet Soar Over Dubai Skies In First Ever Twin Human Formation

What Would The World Be Without Teachers?

If you make a list of the world's top ten most challenging jobs, chances are that being a teacher will not make the cut. But think about the daunting task millions of educators face each day as they try to mold a group of often surly, unruly kids into intelligent, well-rounded individuals. That surely has to be the toughest job in the world, especially given that there is no promotion or bonus awaiting them even if they are wildly successful!...

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What Would The World Be Without Teachers?

Video Of The Week - Walking Poodle Turns Heads In China

If you ever visit the city of Chengdu that lies southwest of China's Sichuan Province don't be surprised to see a cute backpack-carrying poodle strutting down the streets on its hind legs. According to its owner 43-year-old Zhu Tai, the dog can walk for almost a mile before it needs to come down on all fours....

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Video Of The Week - Walking Poodle Turns Heads In China