Explorer Academy: The Star Dunes (Book 4)

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Explorer Academy: The Star Dunes (Book 4)

By Trudi Trueit


Sponsored by:
National Geographic Children's Books
Giveaway dates:
March 11 - May 1, 2020
Copies available:
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Winners are being selected and will be notified via email.

Giveaway Winners
  • fosterkeefe
    fosterkeefeabout 5 years
    I've read the other books in this series, and let me tell ya, they're amazing! I can't wait to read this one. I've been waiting a while, and I just really want this book. I hope I win this giveaway! I really love to read. If I win this book, then I'll be at least 20 books away from filling up my bookshelf! If , I mean, this book is thick. If not, then make that 21 books! Still, I hope I win. I
    • inmemoryofcpr
      inmemoryofcpralmost 5 years
      The first time I saw this book was in a magazine, and the reviews were so good about it. But I thought, "They make the book sound so good, they're probably just lying" The next time I saw it was from one of my friends, but I still didn't want to read it. Finally, I gave in when I saw this book on DOGObooks, and when I read the series, I felt so disappionted that I didn't read it before. If you see excellent reviews about this book and still don't read it, you are missing out, BIGtime. This is the best series I have ever read in my entire life and I would be so happy to win this book! Thank you for considering me!
      • raindrop07
        raindrop07almost 5 years
        Explorer Academy is one of my all-time favorite book series! I have really enjoyed reading this series and have been waiting in anticipitation for the 4th book to be released. I would love to read The Star Dunes and share it with my friends who also love this series. Thanks so much IDogo for doing this giveaway!
        • fosterkeefe
          fosterkeefealmost 5 years
          I have waited so long for this book and I really want to read it, so I'd appreciate it if I won! Thanks DOGO!
          • fosterkeefe
            fosterkeefealmost 5 years
            I really want this book because I need a new book to read, and because of the COVID-19, I can't go to the library. I really want to read this book because I like the rest of the series and hope to read this book as well! Please pick me!
            • fosterkeefe
              fosterkeefealmost 5 years
              I really want to read this book. I adore this series and want to own the books and get to read them any time I want wherever I want!
              • fosterkeefe
                fosterkeefealmost 5 years
                I love Nat Geo books and hope to someday own this book. I really want to show this to others. I have already got 3 of my friends to start reading this series and they all loved it! I can share this book with them if I win. I will also promote DOGO to all my friends! I already got 12 kids that were in my class to join DOGO, and I hope that more will follow! I hope I win this book!
                • ccswishingstar
                  ccswishingstaralmost 5 years
                  I would like this book because I love mystery and adventure books! I would also like to share this book with my brother, who is also intrested in mystery and adventure genre books! Thank you for letting me enter this giveaway!
                  • sylvie55555
                    sylvie55555almost 5 years
                    I really want to win!!!!
                    • fosterkeefe
                      fosterkeefealmost 5 years
                      I'm eager to learn and I want to win a book so hat I can read something new, and I would love to read another installment in the Explorer Academy series! I loved the second book, liked the rest, and I hope I like the fourth too!
                      • sylvie55555
                        sylvie55555almost 5 years
                        I really would love to win this book. Please let me win DOGO I'll review it.
                        • olberanimefan
                          olberanimefanalmost 5 years
                          I am a Boy Scout who loves reading and the great outdoors
                          • lovetoread26
                            lovetoread26almost 5 years
                            I would love to win because I am obsessed with reading. Since I am home right now, I have been reading a book a day! I think this would be a great and entertaining book to have around. I am also getting it (if I win) for my brother, because I think that he would love it too! I also really enjoy really the outdoors and adventure books.
                            • sylvie55555
                              sylvie55555almost 5 years
                              I love this series!
                              • sylvie55555
                                sylvie55555almost 5 years
                                I want to win this book because I've never one a book form DOGO. This book sounds so good and I need some more books to read for Summer Reading. This book sounds so good and I would love it! I would totally review it. Thanks DOGO for the opportunity! Good Luck everyone!

                                Terms and Conditions

                                1. This Free Book giveaway is open to all iDOGO account holders in the US, except where prohibited by law. YOU MAY ONLY ENTER THIS GIVEAWAY ONLINE, NO OTHER METHOD OF ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED.
                                2. If the number of readers interested in the book exceeds the number of copies available, winners will be picked solely at the discretion of DOGObooks.
                                3. No purchase necessary. Only one entry is allowed per household. Ages 15 and under, and a legal resident of the US.
                                4. The book publisher is the sponsor of this giveaway and is responsible for shipment of books to winners.
                                5. You are not required to review the book if you win a copy. However, you are encouraged to do so.
                                6. Winners will be notified by email. Note that in order to be considered for a giveaway entrants must have their parent or legal guardian complete, sign, and return the Parental Consent Form.
                                7. By accepting a free book and posting a review, you grant DOGObooks and the publisher an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute your review.
                                8. In compliance with FTC guidelines, please disclose in your review that you received the book for free through DOGObooks.