I love pokemon! My favorites are greninja, pikachu,mega absol, rayquaza, mega garchomp and mega lucario!

Pokémon X & Pokémon Y: The Official Kalos Region Pokédex & Postgame Adventure Guide: The Official Pokémon Strategy Guide
By Pokemon Company International
• Crucial data on more than 450 Pokémon, including their moves, locations, stats, and Evolutions!
• Detailed guides on Pokémon Eggs and how to find all Kalos region Pokémon!
• Lists of all TMs, HMs, items, Berries, and Mega Stones—including where to find them!
• Extra tips and hints for your adventures after the Hall of Fame!
• A poster of the Kalos region Pokémon!
Book Reviews (16)
My favorites are Tyranitar, Hitmonlee, Luxray, Scizor, Magmar, Pikachu libre, and Mega charizard. Oh yeah, I have cards of Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Ampharos full art. Pretty cool, right. I also have pokemon x and y games. And I play pokemon go and have a Marowak and Exegutor and I play pokemon duel and have lots of ex's. And Finally I have 7 badges and a Blaziken in omega ruby. If anyone can tell me what pokemon I should use to beat the last gym. There are new GX cards and they are super strong
wish i had this book
I love your pokemon books
Love it!
i love pokemon so much
I have the deluxe essential handbook of all Pokemon from each game
NEED THIS BOOK!!! As you can see I am a HUGE fan of blastoise and generally pokemon
I love pokemon
Omg awesome Pokemon book!!!!!!!!!!!!!)