hey tom or anyone else, check out my posts
Art2-D2's Guide to Folding and Doodling (An Origami Yoda Activity Book)
By Tom Angleberger
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 7 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
With Tom Angleberger’s goofy sense of humor and accessible art style, Art2-D2’s Guide to Folding and Doodling is sure to satisfy and inspire the millions of Origami Yoda and Star Wars fans. May the doodles be with you!
Includes 16-page color insert with 10 pages of colored pull-out origami paper; instructions to make Yoda, Darth, C-3PO, Admiral Ackbar, and R2-D2; a section on photographing your origami creations, and two Star Wars backdrops to photograph them against.
This is the blockbuster bestselling Origami Yoda series, written by Tom Angleberger, author of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side, showcasing his proven knack for authentically capturing the intrigues, fads, and dramas of middle school in “a satisfying tale of friendship and just resistance to authority” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).
Praise for Art2-D2's Guide to Folding and Doodling
"Once again, Angleberger’s humor, which presents itself in the text through characters from the series, in both human and origami form, connects with middle-grade readers. 'Art2' and the other 'Origami Yoda' books are the ultimate example of the by-a-fan/for-the-fans format, which succeeds if executed properly. This did he.”
—Florida Times-Union
"Excellent activity-book offshoot of Angleberger’s bestselling Origami Yoda series… The banter and tongue-and-cheek humor of the previous books is present, along with encouragement."
—Publishers Weekly
"The presentation’s offbeat attitude, ingenuity, and wit, many libraries will want to stock this high interest book..."
"Fans (and nonfans, if there are any) of the “Origami Yoda” series (Abrams) and website will find new opportunities aplenty for foolery in this spinoff compendium of progressively challenging hands-on instructions for drawing, folding, and goofing around with (mostly) Star Wars characters."
—School Library Journal
Book Reviews (319)
I'll keep my eyes open!
Another thing I didn't mention: I'm actually a writer! Tom inspired me, so I've started my first book! It's rooted in my family history and the Salem Witch Trials, which go hand-in-hand actually. I may or may not publish it, but then again, it isn't close to being finished.
That is GREAT news!!!!
OH! Gravity Falls, it's good to be back! The name's Austin_M! I've been a SuperFolder from the START! NO JOKE! I'm 14 years old and in 10th grade. Ever since the TalkZone shut down on the site, I've gone incognito, but not any more! I'm my time off, I've been watching lots of movies (I LOVE Marvel movies!), playing video games (Xenoblade Chronicles X is my favorite right now), and listening to music (Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance mostly). It's great to be back!
AustinM!!!! Great to be back in touch!
I haven't been on here in a long time, a long time…. Hi, I came here after checking the SF site after a while (to get OY folding instructions). *Allow me to introduce myself.* You can call me Echo, if you need to call me anything [because sharing my real name on here is a bad idea]. I've read the Origami books since Darth Paper came out when I was in elementary school and still like them, and I'm a very odd freshman now. My favorite character is C-3P0 obviously but I also like Yoda, Old Ben, and a lot of characters including Jocasta, was it? (from the Clone Wars 'Lightsaber Lost') and Chopper. [I actually think Jar-Jar Binks (!) is a little funny.] I am a Master Doodler and I love to read, but really the only thing I've managed to fold was a few Darth Papers (which I lost).But I HAVE created my own SW human, protocol droid, and Wookie characters. My favorite movie is Star Wars and I'm going to see 'The Force Awakens' today (bringing a Origami Yoda with me) but I also really like the Hobbit, book and movie, The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien, WondLa, and How to Train Your Dragon, book and movie. Anyways, I have read all the OY books and even been to the Smithsonian myself, as well as 5 Harry Potter books I think and up to the Prisoner of Askaban. (I really like her writing). Oh and I'm moving to Europe from America in a few months. Hamburgers are Plastic Dinosaurs, because everything else is awesome. I agree with Murky on that. May the Force be with you! *hums To The Sky by Owl City* And it would be awesome if there was an Origami Yoda movie… -Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Echo! Glad you have read WondLa! Great series! Moving to Europe sounds pretty amazing!
Has anyone heard of monstercat? I love their new song emoji!
love monstercat songs! lots of energy
Whats your fave music by monstercat? Mine is probably Emoji or Self-Destruct! ^_*
mine is Nitro Fun
MonsterCat? I guess I better check it out!
I'm Eryn, I've been here since the original talkzone under the name Sf_GravityDefyer. But I updated my username for the new movie which is my favorite star wars episode. I like theater, playing guitar, reading doodling/origami and listening to music. Favorite food-waffles. Favorite band-Death Cab for Cutie. See ya around! ;)
Hey GravityDefyer! It's been a long time! Great to hear from you. PS: Waffles!
Who was everyone's favorite force awakens character? Mine's Rey
Poe Dameron
Me,too! Even more than BB8!
tom do you think i can put up a 14 fold BB-8? made it this morning.
im stuck on bb-8 or finn
kylo ren and phasma
Kylo ren. He's like a young, emo Darth Vader.
I like Finn the most, but also Rey, and I think Kylo Ren is a fascinating character too.
Hey tom I just got ur letter!
Awesome! Hope you liked it!
I just saw on the OY site that the topic is to introduce ourselves, so that's what I'm going to do. I read the OY books and then joined the site a bit over a year ago, and I never knew the old TZ. I'm German and in my 12th school year now. I've been doing origami since I was a kid and I also like drawing and other art. I'm mostly a Star Wars, SW The Clone Wars and SW Rebels fan, but I also like The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Sherlock and Harry Potter. And by the way: Before I started to make Star Wars origami, I've never created my own origami models before so the OY books and the OY site inspired me to discover a new form of creativity and I'm very thankful for it. :)
I'm really glad I got you started on origami!! Even though I'm not very good at origami, I have had so much fun folding it!
you go boy. if you think it make it!