Tuck Everlasting

Tuck Everlasting


118 ratings 144 reviews 163 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 8W527848

The Tuck family is confronted with an agonizing situation when they discover that a ten-year-old girl and a malicious stranger now share their secret about a spring whose water prevents one from ever growing older.

Publisher: Thorndike Press Large Print
ISBN-13: 9781432838423
ISBN-10: 1432838423
Published on 3/8/2017
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 152

Book Reviews (142)

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abcbe abcbe

Tuck everlasting is another of my favorite books. Why, because it gives us warnings that will help us in the future. this book is about a family who drinks out of a spring. I won't tell you more because i want you to read this book.

im still reading this book but the writing is extrodinary.so much detail and descriptive language that it paints a movie in your mind.it is about a family who lives forever a man trying to steal their secret and a child who is in love with the seventeen year old boy when he is really 104.

Tuck Everlasting is a book that reminds us about global warmings and how our desires can destroy our world. In this book, there are mortal beings that got thier wish of being immortal. But being immortal was not as fun as they thught. Life is like a road that starts with birth and ends with death. Being immortal is like being rocks beside the road. This book has multiple themes with an important message in every one of them.

ansaa that review is amazing just like the book.death is an important and without it u are just a rock that floats on through life.as a graet writer too im glad to see work that is long detailed but its what u think

i hope we can follow each other

this is one of the best books ever.also it taut me to be kind to others.you should not be mean.

We read this book I have a copy of it. I forced my dad to buy it for me. He first didn't want 2 but I made him.

if you are going to read this book pay attention to what Tuck says. it is amazing and it may change your thoughts.

When I started to read this book I thought it wasn't going to be a good book but now that I've read it I feel really good that whoever loves little kids running around with a family that she doesn't know and is far from home then you'll love this book 3/25/13

this is a great book the beggining it seems like its about normal people but then you learn who they really are

This book is really good!!! I love it, even though it is a little sad at the ending. You should totally read this book!!!!!!!!!

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