Kids News - Articles with 200-400 Words

Beatriz Flamini Spent 500 Days In A Cave — For Science

We all need to spend time alone once in a while. But Beatriz Flamini took things to a whole new level. The Madrid, Spain, resident spent 500 days alone in a cave 230 feet (70 meters) underground. Flamini was 48 years old when she went into isolation and 50 when she emerged from the cave on April 14, 2023. The extreme athlete took up the challenge to test her mental strength. She also wanted to help scientists explore the effects of isolation on the human body and mind....

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Beatriz Flamini Spent 500 Days In A Cave — For Science

Free Comic Book Day Is Almost Here!

Enjoy reading comic books? Then you will be excited to know that May 6, 2023, is Free Comic Book Day (FCBD). This means you can walk into any one of the 2300+ participating retailers worldwide and pick up a free comic book. Now in its 21st year, the global event is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in May....

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Free Comic Book Day Is Almost Here!

Columbia University Engineers 3D Print An Edible Cheesecake

Over the years, scientists have used 3D printers for various products. They include electronic devices, jewelry and even artificial organs. Now, mechanical engineers from New York's Columbia University have unveiled a 3D-printed cheesecake made with seven ingredients. This is the most number of items ever used to print a single food product....

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Columbia University Engineers 3D Print An Edible Cheesecake

Rare Coin Commemorating Julius Caesar's Death Has Been Returned To Greece

On March 21, 2023, the Manhattan district attorney's office announced they were returning 20 looted antiquities to Greece. The artifacts are valued at over $20 million. They include a bronze container for human remains and a set of human and animal figures carved from marble. However, the most extraordinary is a rare Eid Mar coin celebrating the assassination of Roman politician Julius Caesar....

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Rare Coin Commemorating Julius Caesar's Death Has Been Returned To Greece

SpaceX Starship Test Flight Deemed A Success Despite Explosion

The SpaceX Starship's debut flight launch on April 20, 2023, was both flawless and spectacular. The 394-foot-tall (120-meter) rocket — the biggest and most powerful ever built — fired up its 33 engines and soared into the skies at 9:33 a.m. EDT. The uncrewed spacecraft was expected to complete a 90-minute trip around the Earth before splashing down near Hawaii....

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SpaceX Starship Test Flight Deemed A Success Despite Explosion

A Tiny Chihuahua Named Pearl Is Officially The World's Shortest Dog

A two-year-old female Chihuahua named Pearl has just been declared the world's shortest dog living by the Guinness World Records. The pocket-sized pooch is 9.14 cm (3.59 in) tall and 12.7 cm (5 in) long. This is shorter than a regular-sized television remote control and about the same length as a US dollar bill! Pearl weighed less than an ounce (28g) when she was born in September 2020. She has since "bulked" up to 1.22 lbs (553g)....

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A Tiny Chihuahua Named Pearl Is Officially The World's Shortest Dog