Dr. Joseph Dituri is on a mission to spend 100 days underwater. If successful, the University of South Florida (USF) associate professor will set a new record for undersea living. The record is a nice bonus. But the researcher is mainly doing it for science....
Read news articleThe rediscovery of a fairy lantern species in Japan is exciting researchers worldwide. The Thismia kobensis (T. kobensis) was first found in Kobe, Japan in 1992. But it was considered extinct after an industrial complex was built in the area, destroying the plant's habitat....
Read news articleSaturday is April 1, or, as it is popularly called, Fools' Day. The holiday is celebrated by playing lighthearted pranks on family and friends. The origin of this fun tradition is unclear. Some believe it began in 1582 when France moved from the Julian calendar — which started the new year around April 1 — to the currently used Gregorian calendar. Anyone unaware that the new year now began on January 1 was pranked. Others think the custom began to celebrate the start of spring....
Read news articleThe recent discovery of the oldest-known vertebrate brain is giving scientists valuable insights into the evolution of the ray-finned fish species. The diverse group comprises about 50 percent of living vertebrate species. They include everything from trout to salmon and goldfish to seahorses....
Read news articleThe phrase "living under a rock" usually means being oblivious to what is happening in the world. But in Setenil de las Bodegas, the idiom takes on a literal meaning. Many of the Spanish town's 3,000 residents live in homes built inside the rock formations of a narrow gorge of the Río Trejo river....
Read news articleOn March 25, 2023, individuals, communities, and businesses worldwide will celebrate Earth Hour by turning off all lights and electronics for 60 minutes. The hour-long blackout will occur from 8:30 to 9:30 PM local time. The global event, held annually on the last Saturday in March, reminds us of the urgent need to protect our planet....
Read news articleA giant mass of brown seaweed called Sargassum is heading toward North America. Experts estimate it is over 5,500 miles (8,851 km) long and weighs around 10 million tons. The seaweed is expected to wash ashore on beaches in the Caribbean and Florida in late spring or early summer of 2023....
Read news articleThe United Nations (UN) member states recently announced a historic agreement to protect the world's oceans. The high seas treaty, unveiled on March 4, 2023, has been in the works for over a decade. It provides much-needed regulation to reduce pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction in our ocean waters....
Read news articleWhen passengers aboard a Viking Expedition cruise spotted a massive creature in the frigid waters off Antarctica, they suspected it was special. However, they did not realize they had stumbled upon the extremely rare, giant phantom jellyfish (Stygiomedusa gigantea). Until then, there had been only 126 recorded observations of the species since its identification in 1910....
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